
Brightspace Introductions in November

Dear Faculty,

Please see the following message from CUNY’s CIS Training Team. There are weekly sessions throughout November for faculty in Wave 1 schools. Please register using the link below.



Andrew H. Sidman
Interim Dean of Academic Programs

Professor of Political Science
John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY

“I am a responsible employee”

As we prepare to launch our new Learning Management System Brightspace at your campus in Summer 2024, we are excited to extend an exclusive invitation to you for our Brightspace Demo for Faculty webinars this Fall!

These webinars will demonstrate ins and outs of basic navigation, delve into course navigation, and step into the shoes of students to explore their perspective. We will look at both a sample course and touch on the essential topic of accessibility in Brightspace.

There will also be two Q&A sessions to address any questions, comments, and concerns you may have based on the demo. All of this is to prepare for the in-depth, hands-on workshops on Brightspace starting Spring 2024.

So, faculty members, mark your calendars and get ready to explore our new online learning management system, one Brightspace feature at a time!

Registration for Brightspace Demo for Faculty and Q&A session.

Every journey begins with a single step – let this demo be your first step towards discovering our new online learning home!

CIS Training Team

CISTraining Webpage